January 3, 2022
The Hardest Time of The Year

Imagine losing everything during the coldest time of the year – your home filled with cherished memories, your clothing and essentials to keep you warm through the cold winter nights, and the feeling of safety. This was the harsh reality for the Imad family when they woke up to their house filling up with water. Alhumdulilah, they all made it out unharmed, but the pain of losing everything was difficult, especially during the winter and a global pandemic.
Heading out to a shelter that night, the parents of 7 children, ranging from 1 to 15 years old, were anxious. They were especially worried about Sarah, their autistic child. How would she fare at the shelter? Would she panic? She didn’t do well in new settings. With a thousand thoughts and questions running through their minds, the one question that struck the most was: Where do they even begin?
After a couple of days, things began to look up. The Imad family were able to find an apartment and were going to move in by the end of the week! Grateful as they were for this blessing, they were moving in with only the clothes on their back and knew they had a few more obstacles to overcome.
The family reached out National Zakat Foundation, remembering the support they provided the family in the past and hoping that they would be able to do so again. After speaking with their caseworker, the three of them agreed that the main priority was to keep their children warm. As soon as their case was approved, the family was given a gift card to purchase winter clothes and basic furniture.
The Imad family was extremely thankful, as they had no one else to turn to for support. The flood was not easy for their children, especially Sarah, but they also had faith that Allah SWT would never leave them and that his help would come by way of his servants.
It’s been a year since the flood. A year since the Imad family lost everything, but together with your support, we’ve made the transition into their new home easier, paving the way towards building new memories, warmer days, and a brighter future.
“Allah is helping the servant as long as the servant is helping his brother.”
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