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Nisa Foundation


Mississauga, ON
October 27, 2023

National Zakat Foundation (NZF), a steadfast advocate for empowering local Muslims in need, is proud to announce that Nisa Homes, a distinguished initiative established as a project of NZF Canada in 2015, will be joining together with Nisa Helpline to operate under the umbrella of Nisa Foundation. This strategic decision aims to enhance operational efficiency and create an organization like no other, that offers a wide range of services dedicated to supporting and empowering women and children across Canada.

"Nisa Homes has achieved a remarkable transformation over the years, sheltering over 1,600 women and children, and supporting over 10,000 more. Its evolution, from a single transitional home in Mississauga, ON, to a network of ten homes across the nation is a testament to the community’s dedication in protecting vulnerable women and children,” said Zubair Qasim, Executive Director of NZF Canada. “By now integrating under Nisa Foundation, the Canadian Muslim community will see a new era of women’s empowerment, with an organization solely dedicated to ensuring women have access to holistic services under one roof.”

This transition also marks a significant step forward for NZF Canada, enabling it to continue working towards building Canada’s premier Zakat (obligatory giving in the Islamic faith) institution. NZF Canada remains committed towards pursuing its primary goal and core mission of serving the local community through Zakat with diligence, transparency and dignity, while also efficiently meeting the growing needs of the Muslim community through expanded services.

About National Zakat Foundation  

Since 2013, our mission has been to make the pillar of Zakat simple, transparent, and impactful across Canada.  NZF has helped more than 34,500 Canadian Muslims across 236 cities and distributed $14.3M of Zakat and Sadaqah (non-obligatory giving) to those in need. Vulnerable members of the community, including the elderly and single parents, refugees, newcomers, those with disabilities and more, receive essential support in the form of food assistance, rent support, and basic necessities.

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