October 20, 2022
A Split Second That Changed Their Life - Asif's Story

When Asif* filed for bankruptcy, he was neck-deep in issues plaguing his family. After a tragic car accident that left his wife paralyzed, he became the sole provider for his family, which included four children with special needs and disabilities. As the bills began to pile up, he struggled to afford even the most basic necessities for his family. Desperate to provide for them, he accumulated over $20,000 in credit card debt - simply trying to survive.
Overburdened and drowning in debt, Asif contacted NZF for help. In conversation with his case worker, he struggled to form words through his tears. He was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders and didn't know who would possibly help his family.
From the get-go, NZF assisted with the insolvency costs, relieving him of his crippling debt. Through the NZF Feeds program, he also received food gift cards so he could purchase healthy food for his family.
"Despite all difficulties, Allah put barakah in my money, and I was able to obtain a new rental even after filing for bankruptcy," he said.
At NZF Canada, we've seen how a split second can change the trajectory of ones' life. Your Zakat ensures vulnerable families like Asif's, who've fallen upon difficult times, receive assistance to regain financial security.
**Name/Details have been changed to protect the privacy of our beneficiaries.
We at NZF Canada are committed to responding to the growing need for local Zakat and seek your generous support to ensure children get the help they need to improve their quality of life.
To apply for assistance, click here.
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