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NZF Feeds Food Program
NZF Feeds Food Program
Seasonal Programs & Campaigns
Seasonal Programs & Campaigns

New Muslim Program (Coming Soon!)
New Muslim Program (Coming Soon!)
“I was by myself with my young child, with no support or help. Without your support and the help you used to send, I do not know what I would’ve done. Thanks to God first, then thanks to your organization, my situation in now good. I cannot explain how I feel towards your organization, your generosity, and your kindness with me. Your organization have been the best thing that happened to me since I arrived to Canada, and you helped me a lot. Jazakom Allah khair for everything.“

“I have no better words to say than Jazakum Allah khair. Only Allah can give you reward for this. And I promise you one day in sha Allah I will be able to donate much much more than that. This is my promise to you and with myself. I will never forget that help and your trust in me. Alhamdulillah."-

“Jazak ALLAH khayr, I received the cheque today and gave it to landlord immediately. Thank you so much dear sister, you and your organization have helped me and my family out so much. I can never do enough to repay you. From the bottom of my heart, I am making sincere dua'a for you that ALLAH rewards you beyond measure and that you and your family are blessed immensely.

NZF Feeds Food Program is a food delivery program that aims to transform the way Canadian Muslims receive food.

No one expects food insecurity to be a prominent issue in Canada, but with inflation the highest it’s been in 20 years, it’s no surprise that:

Each year, NZF receives a record number of applications from vulnerable Muslims seeking assistance with food. Unable to access mainstream food banks due to cultural and transportation constraints, as well as a lack of halal options, Muslims across Canada are struggling to provide themselves and their families with halal, nutrient-dense options.
The NZF Feeds Program delivers fresh and high-quality food, including halal meat, to our most vulnerable community members with the aim to:

We partner with Muslim-owned halal supermarkets to safely assemble and package high-quality food essentials. Each package is filled with fresh produce, halal meats, and other essentials to provide recipients with healthy and nutritious meals.
Working together with local trustworthy NGOs who understand the needs of their local community, alongside our dedicated volunteers, these packages are delivered directly to safely deliver these nutritious and wholesome food packages to the doorstep of our beneficiaries or a secure pick-up location to protect their dignity and privacy. Beneficiaries are also given the autonomy to choose between a pre-packaged food box or a food gift voucher for a local Halal grocery store.
No lengthy wait times, no long lineups – just food directly delivered in their time of need.
IN 2022:
- 14250+ unique individuals were helped with food packages, gift cards or prepared meals
- $2.42M distributed as food assistance
How YOU Can Help!
Our seasonal programs aim to support and strengthen Muslims across Canada through the power of Zakat, all year round. These programs run during key dates during the year including Ramadan and Dhul Hijjah to ensure no Muslim family is left without essentials during these blessed months, freeing them for worship and encouraging their connection to faith and community.
We also offer support throughout the year with food, clothing and other essentials during winter months, back to school season and more.

NZF Canada aims to expand to providing Zakat for a key recipient of Zakat funds as specified in the Qur’an:
“those whose hearts need to be softened [towards Islam].” (9:60)
The program is aimed at Muslim converts who have taken the Shahadah and now identify as Muslim.
The program will aid the development, delivery and enhancement of social, community and religious experiences of Muslim Converts in Canada, so they may grow in resolve and commitment to the Deen of Islam and the choice they made to accept it.
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