What is Zakat?

Zakat in Islam and its Impact on Society

Zakat is a unique form of religious social welfare ensuring the most vulnerable members of the Muslim community are taken care of.
The Holy Quran.

Zakat in Islam

The Role of Zakat in Islam

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam, an obligatory charity that every Muslim who meets the requirements is required to pay annually. Zakat is paid by those who are wealthy for the benefit of the poor and needy.

The literal meaning of Zakat is “to cleanse” and “to grow” and is a way for Muslims to purify and bring blessings on to their wealth.
The Types of Zakat

Transforming Lives Through Zakat

With Zakat, you can provide food, shelter, education, healthcare, and other basic necessities to those in need.

Zakat al Maal

Annual charity paid on 2.5% of your net wealth if you are an adult Muslim with the minimum Nisab

Zakat al Fitr

Special charity paid at the end of Ramadan by every Muslim who has enough for one meal, regardless of age or gender.
zakat in society

Who Does Your Zakat Help?

Zakat is a unique form of social welfare ensuring the most vulnerable members of the Muslim community are taken care of. The ultimate aim is to strengthen the faith and provide a safety net for a set category of Muslims.

The Poor

The poor are individuals or households who lack sufficient financial resources to meet their basic needs for food, shelter, clothing, and other essential necessities of life.

The Needy

The needy are individuals or groups who lack basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, clothing, medical care, and are unable to meet their daily requirements without support.

Zakat Collectors

Zakat Collectors are individuals or organizations responsible for collecting and distributing zakat, an Islamic charitable obligation, to eligible recipients such as the poor, the needy, and those supporting Islamic causes.

Those in captivity

Individuals in captivity are those who are held against their will, either in prison, detention centers or as hostages, deprived of their freedom and basic rights.

Those in debt

Individuals in debt are those who owe money to others and are struggling to repay their financial obligations, often facing challenges such as high interest rates and difficulty in finding new sources of income.

The Traveller

In Islam, a traveller is an individual who is temporarily away from their permanent home on a journey, and has specific needs and rights related to food, shelter, and other necessities.

Those whose hearts need to be softened to Islam

Given to influence individuals who may be inclined to Islam or to protect Muslims under them.

Those fighting in the way of Allah

Those fighting in the way of Allah refer to individuals who participate in defensive military actions, either individually or as part of an organized force, in defense of Islam and Muslims.

The power of zakat

What Role Does Zakat Play in Society?

Local Zakat is packed with potential. When implemented correctly, Zakat has the power to:
Reduce poverty
Facilitate redistribution of wealth
Unite the Muslim Ummah
Reduce income inequality
Promote social welfare
Provide debt relief
Ensure every Muslim is fed, sheltered and clothed
A happy Muslim family smiling while holding a baby and looking at the camera.
Zakat in the Qur’an and Hadith

“My Mercy extends to all things. That (Mercy) I shall Narrated Jarir bin `Abdullah: I gave the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet (ﷺ) for offering prayer perfectly, giving Zakat, and giving good advice to every Muslim.for those who have God-consciousness and give their Zakat and those who believe in Our Signs.”

Sahih Bukhari

“And establish prayer and give Zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves - you will find it with Allah.”

Surah Baqarah 2:110

“Then steadfastly continue to duly establish the Prayer, and give the Zakat-Charity.”

Surat Al-Mujadilah 58:13

“My Mercy extends to all things. That (Mercy) I shall ordain for those who have God-consciousness and give their Zakat and those who believe in Our Signs.”

Surah Al-A`raf 7:156

“Allah will certainly aid those who aid His (cause); for verily Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will). (They are) those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give their Zakat, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the outcome of all affairs.”

Surah Al-Hajj 22:40-41
*Did you know Zakat is mentioned 30 times in the Quran? Out of those 30 times, it is mentioned 27 times with Salah, signifying its importance.
How Zakat Moves

The Power of Zakat

Here is how the power of Zakat improves the whole community starting from your action.

You pay Zakat and fulfill one of the most important pillars of Islam

Receive immeasurable reward from Allah

Your Zakat helps the most vulnerable members of your community

Those assisted are able to support themselves and pay it forward

The community is empowered as a whole


Answering Your Questions

Here you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our organization and its work. We hope that this page will help you learn more about us and how we can help you or your community.
Learn about Zakat
Do I pay Zakat if I have a student loan?

Yes, you may be entitled to pay Zakat if you have a student loan. If you are not making any payments toward your loan right now, then there is nothing for you to deduct and you will simply pay Zakat on your net Zakatable assets.

How do I calculate Zakat on savings?

Once your Zakat has reached the Nisab, then Zakat is mandatory to pay. However, when calculating one’s Zakatable wealth, the amount of debt, payable loans, and future or past expenses can affect the total amount that is truly Zakatable. For more information, read our full post here.

What is Nisab?

Nisab is the minimum threshold of wealth a person must own at which Zakat becomes payable. Nisab for gold is 20 Dinar or 85 grams and the Nisab for silver is 200 dirhams or 595 grams. Most scholars prefer the lower value (silver Nisab) be used because this results in more people paying Zakat and more people getting assistance from Zakat.

How do I calculate Zakat on jewelry, gold and silver?

Zakat is only due on gold and silver, and is not due upon any other metals or precious stones. Read the full post to find out how to calculate gold and silver.

Still Have Questions?

If you have a question that is not answered here, please feel free to contact us for more information or read our knowledge base below.
Your Zakat in Action

Jaida travelled across the world in hopes she could find a brighter future here in Canada. But when her husband back home fell ill and her only source of income stopped, she was unsure of how she would take care of herself and her four kids. Amidst sponsoring her husband, piling debt and living in a new country, your Zakat came as a lifeline for Jaida and her family.

“And establish prayer and give Zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves - you will find it with Allah.”

Surah Baqarah 2:110

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