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Hadith of Mu’adh ibn Jabal

Mu’adh ibn Jabal was an Ansari companion of the Prophet (PBUH). He was amongst the people who came from Madinah to Makkah during the thirteenth year of prophethood in order to pledge allegiance to the call and message of Islam. This incident has been recorded as the Second Pledge of ‘Aqabah.

As Mu’adh was a knowledgeable, eloquent, and respected man, as well as one of the earlier companions who embraced Islam, the Prophet (PBUH) chose him for a great task.

The Prophet (PBUH) sent Mu’adh to the people of Yemen, who were from the Jews and the Christians, commanding him to invite them to Islam. He (PBUH) ordered Mu’adh to follow four steps:

  1. “Call them to bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and that I am the messenger of Allah.
  2. If they obey that, then tell them that Allah has enjoined upon them five prayers every day and night.
  3. If they obey that, then tell them that Allah has enjoined upon them Zakat (obligatory annual charity) from their wealth, to be taken from the rich and given to their poor.
  4. If they obey that, then beware of (taking) the best of their wealth. And beware of the supplication of the oppressed, for thereis no barrier between them and Allah.

[Authentic according to Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah, and more]

And so, Mu’adh went on his way. He left for Yemen and lived amongst the people there for years, calling them to Islam, teaching them the rules and regulations pertaining to Islamic living, and ruling them as their leader.

One year, during the caliphate of the great companion of the Prophet (PBUH), ‘Umar bin Khattab, Mu’adh sent one-third of the Zakat of Yemen to Madinah. This action upset ‘Umar and he admonished Mu’adh, saying that he was sent to take from the rich and give to the poor, not to be a tax-collector. To this, Mu’adh replied, “I would not send you anything had I found someone to take it from me.”

The next year, Mu’adh sent half of the Zakat from Yemen for the same reason. And the year after that, he sent all of the Zakat from Yemen to Madinah, saying that he did not find a single person in Yemen who was eligible for the collected Zakat.

[Narration 1912 (p. 710), Kitab al-Amwal of Imam Abu ‘Ubayd al-Qasim ibn Sallam]

For our team at National Zakat Foundation, this hadith is a clear representation of our goal. This hadith shows us that it is, in fact, possible to develop a strong, functioning, and independent society with the correct use and distribution of Zakat. Following the clear instructions that the Prophet (PBUH) gave to Mu’adh, we use the Zakat we receive by distributing it locally to those who are most deserving and in need of it.

Written by: Areej H.

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